Now that the Tech World Congress (TWC) platform has matured as an online platform for tech events, we are introducing different Access Levels, some of which are paid.
And, there’s great news for all of you who had registered on TWC before this announcement!
Your Access Level has been set at the GOLD level (worth Rs 999) as a token of thanks for enabling us to reach this milestone.
This means that if you log into any e-event organised by Electronics For You on, you will get access to videos of all sessions held during that e-event.
What’s the catch? There is one. If you’re unable to attend even a single e-event, amongst consecutive 3 e-events held, then we will change your Access Level to Silver.
BRONZE: You can attend any session but cannot access recording (FREE)
SILVER: You get access to videos of the specific sessions, of any edition you attend (Rs 199 per year)
GOLD: You get access to videos of all sessions of the edition you attend (Rs 999 per year)
PLATINUM: You get access to videos of all editions held (Rs 2999 per year)
One more thing: We will now be providing Certificate of Attendance for individual sessions to those who attend a minimum 75% of the session.
We are doing away with the issue of Certificate of Attendance for the entire event—as it holds little value—something we learned from feedback from patrons like yourself.
Soon, we will be providing an integrated online examination for you to test your knowledge gained from sessions you attend, and receive another certificate indicating your score.
We believe online LIVE events, along with access to recordings, are going to be powerful tools for self-learning and up-skilling ourselves, and we want to do everything in our power to provide them to our community…
What’re your thoughts on this subject?
What topics should we cover in future events?
I would be obliged to hear from you, and will be grateful to receive ideas & suggestions from you…
With heart-felt gratitude,
Rahul Chopra
Editor, Network